1.Regulation of permanent shade.
2.Lopping of dadap in the second fortnight depending on weather conditions.
3.Pre-monsoon manuring.
4.Leaf Rust:
Pre-monsoon spraying of 0.5% Bordeaux mixture against coffee leaf rust. Susceptible verities like S.795, Cauvery etc., should be sprayed with systemic fungicides like Triademefon @ 0.02% a.i. (Bayleton 25 WP@160g in 200 litres of water) or Hexaconazole @ 0.01% (Contaf 5% EC @ 400 ml in 200 litres of water).
5.Control measures against shoot mealy bug and green scale, if necessary.
6.Opening of planting pits in new clearings.
7.Planting of dadap stakes depending on weather conditions.
8.Clearing of drains and renovation of cradle pits/trenches.
9. Weeding in new clearings.
10. Application of compost/bulky organic manure.
11. Application of agricultural lime for correction of soil pH, wherever necessary.
12. Berry Borer:
If berry borer infestation is noticed in a few berries, remove and destroy the infested berries. If incidence is more, spot spray with chlorpyriphos 20EC (600 ml per barrel of water) may be taken up.
13. Nursery work and aftercare: Spraying nursery seedlings with recommended fungicides against brown eye-spot disease and myrothesium.
14. Root Diseases:
Wherever root diseases are observed, drench the soil with Bavistin 50 WP 0.4% @ 3 litre / plant (24g / 3.1 of water) or Vitavax 75 WP 0.3% @ 3 litre / plant (12g / 3 litres of water) in the just wilting stage.
This article is reproduced from The Indian Coffee, The Coffee Magazine