1.Completion of dadap lopping.
2.Planting stakes/ seedlings of shade plants (both temporary & permanent) in new clearings and open patches.
3.In new clearings closing of pits.
4.Supply planting, staking and mulching.
5.Weeding & de-suckering in established fields.
6.Clearing of drains and renovation of cradle pits / trenches.
7.Installation of light traps for collection and destruction of moths of hairy caterpillars.
8.Control measures against shoot-mealy bug, and green scale, if necessary.
9.Black rot: Completion of handling centring of bushes in black rot endemic blocks and spraying with 1% Bordeaux mixture or 0.03% (120g / 200 litres of water) Bavistin 50 WP (Carbendazim).
10. Leaf Rust: Pre-monsoon spraying of 0.5% Bordeaux mixture as pre-monsoon application against coffee leaf rust. Susceptible varieties like S.795, Cauvery etc., should be sprayed with systemic fungicide like Bayleton 25 WP @ 0.02% a.i. (160g in 200 litres of water)
11. Nursery: Thinning and removal of pendal depending on weather and aftercare.
12. Berry Borer: If berry borer is noticed, spot sprays with chlorpyriphos 20EC or Beauveria bassiana may be taken up.
This article is reproduced from The Indian Coffee, The Coffee Magazine