1. Continuation of Robusta harvesting and processing. Cover the ground with mats to avoid gleanings while harvesting Robusta.
2. Collection of left over fruits and off-season berries in berry borer infested areas.
3. Collection of Arabica gleanings and disinfections/ disposal of berries infested with berry borer.
4. Pruning of Arabica. Delay pruning if hot, dry weather conditions prevail.
5. Pre-blossom manuring.
6. Leaf Rust:
Pre-blossom spraying with 0.5% Bordeaux mixture against leaf rust and anthracnose (twig die-back)
7. Control measures against root mealy bugs, if necessary.
8. Collection and destruction of pupae of hairy caterpillars.
9. Cleaning of paths around the estates to prevent fire accidents.
10. Nursery:
Preparation of secondary beds, filling & arranging of poly bags and transplanting.
11. Preparation of land for new planting, removal of under-growth and selective felling of trees and their disposal.
12. Blossom irrigation during the second fortnight for Robusta.
13. In young clearings, watering young seedlings when necessary.
This article is reproduced from The Indian Coffee, The Coffee Magazine