
Brazil will import Vietnamese Robusta Coffee

Brazil will import robust coffee from Vietnam as part of purchases to meet the demand of the domestic industry of that bean, used in the production of the instant type, was released here today.

According to press reports quoting the director of the Coffee Department of the South American Ministry of Agriculture, Silvio Farnesi, the Foreign Trade Agency approved these acquisitions at a recent meeting, the first in the history of that market.

Although without specifying the amount the  Vietnam will ship, sources add that total imports of one million bags of 60 kilograms are expected until the end of May, with a maximum of 250,000 per month and a two percent tariff.

The world’s largest exporter and producer of green coffee, and first in instant sales, Brazil achieved a record harvest of 49 million 600,000 bags of arabic variety last year, mainly used to produce roasting and grinding.

However, during that period the yield of the robusta fell 25 percent compared to 2015 due to a drought.

Vietnam is the second largest exporter of coffee in the world, with shipments of one million 790,000 tons to foreign markets in 2016, according to data from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

Also read  Arabica near 3-1/2 month high and Robusta also gained

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