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Coffee export likely to take 10-15% hit on poor production

Coffee export is likely to fall 10-15 per cent this year, as production has been hit due to dry weather in growing regions of Karnataka.

Coffee Board of India recently cut output estimates by 10 per cent to 316,000 tonnes for 2017-18, from the earlier estimate of 350,400 tonnes.

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However, the total estimated output will be higher by 1.3 per cent over last year.

According to the estimate, output of the Arabicavariety is pegged at 95,000 tonnes and that of Robusta at 221,000 tonnes.

“Due to dry weather conditions, production has been affected adversely, which will result in lower output. There is also lower carry-over stock. These two factors are likely to pull down exports by 10-15 per cent in the current calendar year,” Ramesh Rajah, president of the Coffee Exporters’ Association said.

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