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SIDE EFFECTS of Drinking Too much COFFEE : You need to know about!

Is coffee bad for you? You know the old saying, “Too much of any good thing can be bad for you”?

In this post, we’re going to take a look at coffee side effects to answer the question “Is coffee bad for you?” once and for all.

Set aside your passion for coffee for a moment so you can critically examine the side effects of coffee listed below.Even if you know everything there is to know about coffee, you may learn a few things about the potential drawbacks of coffee.

Here are some of the side effects of coffee you need to know about:

Increases Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is one of the most common risk factors in coronary heart disease. Roughly 70 million American adults (29%) suffer from high blood pressure. If you are one of these adults, drinking coffee will only make the problem worse.

Read more here : The 15 Terrible Coffee Side Effects You Need to Know About

Increases acid production

Specifically hydrochloric and gastric acids. Both of these acids are necessary to break down the food in your stomach. However, too much acid can cause problems in your stomach.

Digestive problems

People suffering from IBS, ulcerative colitis, gastritis, peptic ulcers, and Crohn’s disease will find that the coffee irritates their digestive system and makes their stomach/digestive problems worse.

Contributes to heartburn

Have you ever felt a burning, stabbing pain in your chest after drinking coffee?
Coffee isn’t the only drink that can cause heartburn and acid reflux–caffeinated sodas and teas are also responsible. Still, if you’ve got that stabbing, burning pain, perhaps it’s time to give your body a break and cut coffee/caffeine for a week or two.

Affects brain and central nervous system

Coffee doesn’t actually cause your body to produce more energy; instead, it shuts off the part of your brain that registers tiredness.

Read more here : The 15 Terrible Coffee Side Effects You Need to Know About

De-sensitizes your body to caffeine

We all know what happens when you drink coffee regularly: you have to drink more and more to get the same effects.

Caffeine is as addictive as nicotine and recreational drugs, and it affects your body the same, meaning no matter how much you drink, you never get the same “high” you got the first time.

Affects nutrient absorption

One of the most notable examples is coffee’s effect on calcium absorption. Coffee essentially interferes with your body’s ability to absorb calcium, preventing it from reaching your bones.

Excess body fat

A large majority of people add milk, sugar, or both to their coffee.Between the cream, whole-fat milk, high-sugar flavorings, and whipped cream toppings, you can end up consuming upwards of 500 calories in a single cup of coffee. Drink two or three of these per day, and you’re talking about A LOT of extra calories.

So, now it’s time to answer the question, “Is coffee bad for you?” Are the side effects of coffee a deal-breaker, or can you keep drinking regardless?

In the end, it comes down to individual choice. You know what the coffee side effects are, and you can see how caffeine affects your body. You’re a grown-up able to make a wise, informed decision for yourself!

Read more here : The 15 Terrible Coffee Side Effects You Need to Know About

Also read  Coffee Prices (Karnataka) on 20-04-2022

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