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Monsoon reaches Srilanka:May hit Kerala before May 30

According to today’s afternoon update by Srilankan Met Department The South-West monsoon conditions are establishing over the island and surrounding seas.’

SHEAR ZONE ‘- which located over South Peninsula has now moved down to the Sri Lankan latitude signalling the onset of the monsoon conditions .This will move back later to South Peninsula to bring the monsoon to the Kerala coast.
Kerala, which represents the south-west coast of India, will be the next gateway for the monsoon when it begins a four-month journey across the subcontinent.

The IMD also expects the monsoon to reach the southern Comorin(Kanyakumari) area in next two days.

Thunderstorms and heavy rain has been forecast over the Lakshadweep Islands, Kerala, Coastal and South Interior Karnataka over the next few days.

Also read  Heavy to very heavy rainfall expected in coastal and adjoining Malnad region

Monsoon may hit Kerala before May 30

Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES) Secretary M Rajeevan said the conditions look favourable for arrival of monsoon before the announced date.

“The announced onset date for monsoon is May 30, but there is a possibility that it may hit Kerala a day before that,” Rajeevan told PTI.

Rajeevan said the ministry will also undertake a programme starting this monsoon to study the viability of cloud seeding.

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2.Times of India

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