CoffeeFeatured News

Arabica coffee touched a three-month low

Aabica coffee touched a three-month
low as the market struggled to absorb surplus supplies. 

* March arabica coffee settled down 0.7 cent, or 0.7
percent, at 99.40 cents per lb. after falling to a three-month
low of 99.20 cents.   
* Prices have been weighed down by plentiful global supplies
following this year's record crop in top grower Brazil, dealers
* Brazil, the world's largest exporter, produced a record
61.65 million coffee bags in 2018, official data showed.
* Total open interest in arabica rose on Monday for the 12th
straight session to 267,707 lots, the highest since early
November, ICE data show. 
Also read  Coffee Prices (Karnataka) on 29-11-2021
* "The funds, the systems that like to be short coffee are piling back in," said one U.S. trader. * March robusta coffee settled up $9, or 0.6 percent, at $1,487 per tonne.
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