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Yemen Coffee tops list of ‘Top 30 Coffees of 2017’

For the past five years, Coffee Review has released its Top 30 list, where they rank the most exciting coffees from the thousands team cupped over the course of the past year.

Team select and rank these 30 exciting coffees and espressos based on quality (represented by overall rating), value (reflected by most affordable price per pound), and other factors that include distinctiveness of style, uniqueness of origin or tree variety, certification, and general rarity.

First time a coffee from Yemen topped the list.

Other origins on the list are Panama(6),Colombia (4), Ethiopia (4), Kenya (3), Sumatra (2), Hawaii (2), Rwanda (2), El Salvador (2), Yemen (1), Guatemala(1), Papua New Guinea(1),Nicaragua(1),Uganda(1) and Peru(1).

“Coffee Review’s goal, as always, is to celebrate coffee roasters, farmers and mill-owners who make an extra effort to produce coffees that are not only superb in quality but also distinctive in character,” said the review team.

“In particular, we want to honour the dedication of coffee producers large and small who with the support of their roaster partners are crafting a range of sensory excellence and diversity that has never existed before in the history of the beverage.”

“Tree variety continues to play what appears to be a crucial role in the success of many coffees on this year’s top 30 list. Six top 30 selections were produced from trees of the Gesha variety. Four more were mainly produced from the heirloom, Bourbon-related SL28 and SL34 varieties responsible for the finest coffees of Kenya; two came from trees of the rare, big-beaned Pacamara variety, and four from heirloom varieties grown only in Ethiopia,” noted Kenneth Davids, a coffee expert, author and co-founder of Coffee Review.

24 of the coffees on the top 30 list were roasted by companies in the United States, including roasters in 11 US states.

Top 30 Coffees of 2017

1.Dragonfly Coffee from origin Hayma, north-central Yemen
Country: Yemen
Coffee Tree: Coffea arabica

2.Hula Daddy Kona Coffee from origin Holualoa, Hawaii
Country: “Big Island” of Hawaii
Coffee Tree: SL-28 variety of Arabica

3.JBC Coffee from origin Northern Sumatra, Indonesia
Country: Indonesia
Coffee Tree: Ateng

4.Revel Coffee from origin South-central Kenya
Country: Kenya
Coffee Tree: SL28 and SL34 varieties of Arabica

5.JBC Coffee from origin Chiriqui Province, far western Panama
Country: Panama
Coffee Tree: Gesha variety of Arabica

6 PT’s Coffee from anta Ana Department, El Salvador
Country: El Salvador
Coffee Tree: SL28 variety of Arabica

7 Willoughby’s Coffee from Horcheta, Chiriqui Province, western Panama
Country: Panama
Coffee Tree: Pacamara variety of Arabica, a cross between the giant-beaned Maragogipe variety and Pacas

8 Willoughby’s Coffee from Piedra Candela, Chiriqui Province, far western Panama
Country: Panama
Coffee Tree: Rare Ethiopia-derived botanical variety Gesha

9 Dragonfly Coffee from Boquete growing region, western Panama
Country: Panama
Coffee Tree: Gesha variety

10 Hula Daddy Coffee from Holualoa, North Kona growing district,
Country: “Big Island” of Hawaii
Coffee Tree: Bourbon Pointu, rare variety of Arabica

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