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Rain plays havoc on plantations in Tamilnadu

It is not as if the recent rains have played havoc only in Kerala and Kodagu in Karnataka. Plantations situated on the Western Ghats in Tamil Nadu too have been experiencing very heavy rainfall and consequential damage, say planters.

The industry has appealed to the Commodity Boards to sanction a one-time grant-in-aid to affected plantations to enable them to restore normalcy.

According to the Planters’ Association of Tamil Nadu (PAT), Valparai area in Coimbatore district has received a total rainfall of 5,240 mm between April and August 21, 2018. “This is expected to far exceed the 1961 levels, (1961-62 is considered the benchmark year for rainfall comparison) as during the same five month period, parts of Valparai area recorded rainfall of 5242 mm.

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