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Mid and Post monsoon manuring in Coffee Plantations

Mid monsoon manuring(During August-September Months)

During the monsoon, nutrient nitrogen is lost very fast due to leaching. Plants need nitrogen during this period in order to produce more of shoots and branches. It is necessary to provide nitrogen to the plants to balance the nitrogen loss due to leaching. Therefore, apply 58 kgs of nitrogen (2.5 bags of Urea) per hectare during the break in the monsoon. This mid monsoon application of urea also helps in reducing the berry drop.

Post monsoon manuring (During October-November Months)

Nitrogen is the most important plant nutrient and plants need it throughout the year. Nitrogen helps in the development of new shoots and berries. Nitrogen also helps in the production of large number of flowers and retention of leaves for a longer time. Adequately nitrogen supplied plants produce dense beans of higher quality.

Potassium is another element which is essential for the fruit setting, bean filling, maturation and hardening of the beans. It improves the vigour and the pest and disease tolerance of the plants. Phosphorus is needed for the healthy and strong development of roots and shoots.

After the monsoon, recommended doses of fertilizers have to be applied. Though the placement of fertilizers (pegging) is very efficient in terms of utilization, the process is laborious and time consuming. Therefore, simple method of application is suggested as under. Remove, the mulch under the plant canopy leaving one foot circle around the main stem. Slightly disturb the soil in the de-mulched area with forks.Broadcast fertilizer uniformly and evenly in this area and rework the soil. Cover again with the removed mulch. This method is very efficient and it avoids volatilization and washing away of nutrients. In steep areas, fertilizers can be applied in semi arch form on the upper side of the stem down the slope.

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