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Brazilian coffee crop seen 25.7% lower in 2021 -Conab

Brazil’s coffee crop is expected to drop 25.7% this year compared with the record 2020 season, when 63 million bags were produced, according to Conab.

Conab reduced on Tuesday its estimates by 2 million 60-kilogram bags, to 46.9 million. The natural cycle of arabica and the drought impact are the main reasons for the crop reduction in Brazil, the world’s top coffee producer and exporter.

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Brazil’s arabica coffee crop, which is in an off-year of its biannual production cycle, is seen reaching 30.7 million bags, versus 33.4 million bags projected by Conab in its previous estimate. It would mark a 36.9% year-on-year drop.

On the other hand, the country’s robusta crop is expected to reach 16.15 million bags this year, up 12.8% from 2020 and above Conab’s previous projection of 15.44 million bags.

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