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Black Pepper Cultivation – Calendar of Operations from June to July


  • Spray and drench the plants with Pseudomonas fluorescens (2%) at fortnightly interval.
  • Spray with potassium phosphonate 0.3% or metalaxyl mancozeb 0.125% (1.25g/litre) at fortnightly interval, if Phytophthora disease incidence is noticed. Alternatively spray the foliage with Bordeaux mixture 1% and drench with copper oxychloride 0.2%.
  • Drench the infested bags with chlorpyriphos 0.075%, if mealy bugs damage is noticed.
  • Spray with dimethoate (0.05%), if gall thrips or scale insects incidence is noticed.
  • Remove bags with infected cuttings or on nursery to prevent spread of disease.
  • Select healthy, robust rooted cuttings for replanting.
  • Prepare pits (50 x 50 x 50 cm) on the northern side of standards, 15-30 cm away from the base of the standard.
  • Fill the pits with a mixture of topsoil and compost or well rotten cattle manure @ 5 kg/pit mixed with biocontrol agents viz., T. harzianum or T. viride (50 g/pit) and VAM (110 g/pit) and P. chlamydosporia (50 g/pit).
  • Plant 2-3 rooted cuttings in the pits at a distance of about 30cm away from the standards.
  • Press the soil around the cuttings to form a small mound slopping outward and away from the cuttings to prevent water stagnation around the plants.
  • Tie and trail the growing shoots to the standards.
  • Provide shade to the plants if the land is exposed and if there is a dry spell.



  • Remove all infected or dead vines along with the root system.
  • Prune the runner shoots or tie back to the standards before the onset of monsoon.
  • Prune off the branches of live standards to allow better aeration and sunlight that would reduce the chances of infestation.
  • Provide good drainage in areas prone to water stagnation.
  • Tie growing shoots of young vines to the standard.
  • Undertake slash- weeding in the interspaces.


  • Undertake manuring and fertilizer application with the receipt of few pre-monsoon showers.
  • Apply organic manures @ 10kg/vine (decomposed cattle manure or compost or green leaves).
  • Apply neem cake @ 1 kg/ mature vine.
  • Apply lime @ 500 g / vine in alternate years.
  • Apply Azospirillum (50 g/vine) and P.solubilizer (50 g /vine).


Note: Application of chemical fertilizers can be undertaken two weeks after application of manures and bio fertilizers/ bio-inputs.

Chemical fertilizer application

  • Apply the recommended dose of chemical fertilizer at the rate of NPK 50:50:150 g/vine/year (Urea 100 g:Rock Phosphate 300 g: MOP 250 g) in two splits
  • Provide half of the dose during June (Urea-50g: Rock Phosphate-150g:MOP 125g).
  • Apply only two-third of the dose to thetwo year old vines and full dose of fertilizers from 3rd year onwards.
  • Apply zinc sulphate 0.25% as a foliar spray and also magnesium sulphate (150 g/vine) as soil application, in zinc deficient and magnesium deficient soil, respectively


  • Black pepper Micronutrient mixture as foliar spray twice in a year.

Plant protection

  • Undertake foliar spray with Bordeaux mixture 1% followed by soil drenching over a radius of 45-50 cm around the vineswith copper oxychloride 0.2% (@ 2-5 litres per vine), immediately after first monsoon showers.


  • Drench the soil and spray foliage with potassium phosphanate 0.3% Or metalaxyl mancozeb 0.125% (@ 2-5 litres per vine).
  • Undertake foliar spray with quinalphos (0.05%) to check pollu beetle or top shoot borer. Leaf gall thrips can be controlled by spraying dimethoate (0.05%)
  • Apply first round of biocontrol agents(AMF, Trichoderma, Pseudomonas fluorescens and Pochonia chlamy dosporia) along with organics
  • Avoid copper oxychloride drenching if biocontrol agents are applied.
Also read  Black Pepper Cultivation – Calendar of Operations for April
Also read  Black Pepper Cultivation – Nursery Operations from March to April
Also read  Black Pepper Cultivation - Calendar of Operations from October to December
Also read  GAP-Calender Of Operations For Black Pepper Nursery Cultivation

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