CoffeeFeatured News

Arabica coffee regained from 9 months lows

Arabica coffee prices regained some ground after the prior session’s fall to a nine-month low.

* May arabica coffee was up 0.45 cent, or 0.4 percent at $1.1740 per lb. The front month fell to a low of $1.1595 on Wednesday, its weakest since June.

* Dealers said prices for the front month were supported by a rolling forward of fund short positions from the May to the July contract.

* May robusta coffee was down $1 at $1,754 a tonne.

* Vietnam, the world’s top robusta producer, is expected to export 100,000 to 140,000 tonnes (1.7-2.3 million 60-kg bags) of coffee in April, traders said on Thursday.

* Vietnam’s coffee exports in March were estimated by the government at 180,000 tonnes, higher than traders’ forecasts of 150,000-170,000 tonnes. Actual March coffee exports data is scheduled to be released on April 10.

Copyright Reuters, 2018

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