Agumbe records massive rainfall,Highest in past 10 years
According to IMD data, Agumbe station records a whopping 302.8mm for the 24hours ending 8.30am today.
With this Agumbe total for the June month stands on 1962 mm till today, highest in last one decade.
Agumbe yesteday recieved highest rainfall in 24 hours which is also highest in last 10 years, Highest 228 mm was last year June 11th.
#Agumbe IMD station records a whopping 302.8mm for the 24hours ending 8.30am today
This is the highest 24 hour rainfall in the month of June for this station for atleast past 10 years!
June total for this station is now 1962mm, the highest june total atleast for past 10 yrs!
— Bengaluru Weather (@BngWeather) June 28, 2018